Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Walk the Line

In this video I wanted to portray to the viewer's how
much paper/wood products we use daily and how much
of it goes to waste. I ended the video showing the source to all 
the paper/wood products, a tree. I feel we take advantage
of everything tree's provide us with, and we should learn to take that
into consideration.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Water Paintings

           I started with a blank wall and began to draw what came into my sight.
 I have also been into riding my bike everywhere I go.
 As I began to look around, I came across a tree that sparked my interest.
 I also live in the sunshine state, and it was a beautiful day.

 I then added in some floating clouds and concluded my day.
 I took a puddle that had already created and gave him some character.

 I stepped in the puddle leaving a trail back to the puddle, portraying that people have walked out of it.

 I love skateboarding and have always wanted to skate this ledge.

I ended with many different puddles and footprints connecting them all, creating different worlds of puddles.