Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Responsive Drawings

Found Objects


                          For my maps, I took two different approaches. For the top
                          image I layered paper, trying to capture a 3-d effect. For the
                          next image I tried to take a more simplistic approach for simple
                          directions. I took a single piece of wire and bent it in the directions
                          the participant was suppose to follow.

10 foot drawings

                        For my ten foot drawings, I took images that are interesting to me
                        and produced them on paper. They are simple pencil drawings that
                        represent my style and interests.


                               For the thread, I experimented with different styles and tried
                               to find something that worked for me. The response to the image
                               gives a comical feel and is playful. However the thread drawings
                               give a textural and dimensional feel. The image is popping off the
                                paper jumping in the viewers face.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


                        My thought process for erasing, was to respond to photos.
                        By eliminating a portion of the photo it allowed you to focus
                        on the main subject. I wanted to have the main subject in the
                        center of the photo so the viewers eyes didn't wonder off the page.
                        I also included some eraser illustrations in the top photo.